Let the questions below help guide you in sharing your interests and talents...
Are you interested in preparing the alter or participating in services?
Do you enjoy visiting with people who are sick or lonely?
Do you want to sing or perform musically?
Do you like to work with children?
Do you have a passion for gardening?
Are you handy? Do you enjoy building and maintenance projects?
- Please consider joining the Alter Guild or becoming a Lay Reader.
Do you enjoy visiting with people who are sick or lonely?
- Please consider volunteering your time assisting with Pastoral Care.
- Please consider joining our Kitchen Committee or hosting a Coffee Hour.
Do you want to sing or perform musically?
- Please consider joining one of our choirs or performing with the Hand Bells.
Do you like to work with children?
- Please consider teaching a session of one of our Sunday School classes or working with our Youth Group (current CORI required).
Do you have a passion for gardening?
- Please consider tending our Community Garden for a week, seasonal yard clean-up or spring planting in our Memorial Garden.
Are you handy? Do you enjoy building and maintenance projects?
- Please consider joining our Duct Tape Committee.