The Family You Always Prayed For
The Episcopal Church
St. Andrew's is an Episcopal Church, part of the Anglican Communion that exists on every continent and comprises some seventy million members. The name Episcopal comes from the Greek word episcopos, which means bishop. So the Episcopal Church is a "Church with Bishops." The Episcopal Church encompasses the truths of the Protestant and Catholic Traditions. We are both Scriptural and Sacramental. Holy Scriptures invigorate our study, worship, and corporate life. The Sacrament of Baptism begins a life of constant union with God in the fellowship of the Church, and the Holy Eucharist is the central act of Sunday worship whereby we partake of Christ's love and renewal, and the living Christ abides in us. Our greatest theological document is The Book of Common Prayer. This book has formed the Episcopal Church's thought and practice since its first publication in 1549, and continues its powerful influence in the current 1979 version. The Book of Common Prayer contains a system for Christian spiritual living including the daily prayer and weekly worship of the Church, with Psalms, Creeds, Catechism, and historical documents. St. Andrew's is part of the Diocese of Massachusetts whose Bishop is The Right Reverend Alan M. Gates. The St. Andrew's community consists of nearly two hundred households and is as diverse as its members' ages. |
Becoming a MemberYou become a member of St. Andrew's through Baptism, regular church attendance, support of our mission and by receiving Holy Communion. It is expected that all adult members of the church will have affirmed their faith through Confirmation. We welcome people from all faith backgrounds and recognize Baptism from any faith denomination. Regular church attendance as well as the sharing of one’s time, talent, and treasure are a way of making St. Andrew’s your spiritual home.
A more formal process of reception into the Episcopal Church is offered through attendance at a Newcomer’s Class and a special service over which the Bishop presides. |
Time, Talent & TreasuresMembership in the Church involves the good stewardship of our time, talent and financial resources. Our mission is to work, pray and to support the spread of God's Kingdom. Visit our Stewardship page for more information on how you can support our mission and ministries.
Our Parishioners' Words
"I am a new member of the church finding serenity at a time of confusion and sorrow, and I feel the strong sense of community in St. Andrew's which presages my greater involvement in reaching out to other people."
"St. Andrew's is a welcome home. As newcomers we have been warmly greeted. As Christians we seek to grow in our faith here with you. May God continue to bless His family here."
"St. Andrew's is a welcome home. As newcomers we have been warmly greeted. As Christians we seek to grow in our faith here with you. May God continue to bless His family here."